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A picture hanging company isn’t the first consideration you have when investing in a new piece of artwork. In fact, your first thought is usually how beautiful your new artwork piece really is. So, why do people consult a picture hanging company for a job that they can do for themselves?

Why Hire a Picture Hanging Company?

In a day and age where there are many superfluous services that we seem to waste our money on, why should you consider investing in a picture hanging company to help you to hang your artwork? Isn’t it just one more added expense that you can live without? We truly believe that it isn’t, but let us tell you why…

You Spend Good Money on Your Art

One of the biggest reasons why we encourage you to consider hiring a professional picture hanging company is because it’s an investment in your investment.

When you purchase artwork, you purchase it with the intention of enjoying it and as an investment in an art piece that you like or that you intend on reselling in the future. You make an investment in that piece of art so shouldn’t you make an additional investment in showcasing that piece and ensuring that it stays protected?

A professional picture hanging service will not only come in and ensure that your new piece of art takes center stage, but they will also make sure that it is properly anchored to the wall to avoid falling and breaking.

Protecting Your Art Investment

In addition to properly anchoring and displaying your artwork, a professional installer can also make sure that your newest art piece is properly displayed. What does this mean? It means that not only is your piece hung on a level so that it looks “clean”, it also means that your art piece is hung in the correct place in your home.

What does it mean to hang a painting in the “best place”? There are a number of factors that go into displaying artwork properly. For example, if you have a large number of windows in your home, it’s important that you hang your art piece in an area where it will not be subjected to glare all day long. How can you ever enjoy art if you’re always squinting at it to see past the bright glare on the glass? You can’t!

Another problem with window exposure when hanging your artwork is that it can cause your art to deteriorate if it is not properly protected. Now, depending on the frame and type of paint used in an art piece, you may already have a UV protected piece. That is – the glass covering your art piece filters out UV rays so that they cannot fade or damage the piece. If your piece does not have UV protection, however, it’s important to consider investing in it or placing your art piece in an area where it will not be subjected to large amounts of UV rays that will degrade your investment.

Hanging Art with the Proper Tools

Another common problem that people run into when they decide to hang their own pictures is that they are unfamiliar with art hanging hardware. Most people learn to hang a painting or a picture using sawtooth hooks, but this isn’t always the best way to display an art piece. There are a number of other methods of hanging artwork on your walls and choosing the right type of hardware and tool can really make a difference in how your piece displays.

When you call on a professional installer for art, you get to take advantage of their knowledge in the art field. For a moment, you get to pick their brain to find out what type of hardware is best to display your art and you don’t have to be the one who deals with the tedious task of installing that hardware. How hard can it be to screw a few hooks etc. into the wall? You’d be surprised at the complexity of some of the picture hanging hardware choices, so hiring a professional makes sure that you get someone who is experienced, professional, and who knows which picture mounting technique to use with your specific situation!

Ready to Hire a Reputable Picture Hanging Company?

If you’re ready to invest in a reputable picture hanging company to get your newest artwork installed professionally in a way that will wow your guests, Gulf Coast Installs can help! Just pick up the phone an give us a call at (239)-682-1077 and let us know how we can help you!